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Dimensions, tolerances, sorting, part recognition

Dimensions usually designate the significant linear dimensions of an object. Dimensions can be measured in different ways. Under certain circumstances, one sensor can measure the complete dimensions for small objects. Image processing systems, laser profile sensors and ThruBeam micrometers are particularly capable of detecting complete dimensions.

For larger measuring objects, the measurement can be performed using sensors which move along one edge of the target and thus measure the object dimensions. One alternative to this is that the dimension is measured with a static sensor and moving measuring objects as is typically the case for assembly lines.

Kalustamattomien piirilevyjen 3D-tarkistus

Perinteiset tarkastusjärjestelmät, kuten mittausmikroskoopit, eivät sovellu automaattiseksi inline -testiratkaisuksi, koska tarkastusprosessi kestää kauan ja nämä mikroskoopit ovat erittäin kalliita. Micro-Epsilonin 3D-antureita käytetään siksi täysin automaattisen inline-tarkastuksen mahdollistamiseen.

Erittäin tarkka 3D-anturi CONTROL 3D 3510 mittaa suoraan tuotantolinjalla piirilevyn mitat ja pinnan. Työskentelyetäisyys on 120-140 mm. Tallennetut mittausarvot lasketaan anturista ja lähetetään ulkoiselle tietokoneelle integroidun Gigabit Ethernet -liitännän kautta. 3D -tietojen jatkokäsittely, arviointi ja kirjaaminen on mahdollista tehokkaalla 3DInspect -ohjelmistolla.


3D measurement of coil springs

Qsigma designed the Spring Measurement System (SMS) for precise 3D measurement of coil springs and other components. It is used, among other things, in the development of prototypes and 100% inspection of series parts. The SMS automatically identifies the spring, evaluates the wire contour and determines the wire diameter, even if it is subject to strong fluctuations. 

The scanCONTROL 2950 sensor has a large measuring field in both the Z and X directions. This enables extremely fast scanning of springs up to a height of 70 cm and radially up to 30 cm. The wide range combined with high point density enables precise evaluation of the wire diameter


Energian varastointisäiliön betoniseinän laajenemisen mittaus

Mitattu arvo välitetään PLC:lle analogisen liittymän kautta (4 ... 20 mA). Tämä mahdollistaa sekä tietokoneohjatun prosessinvalvonnan ja mitattujen arvojen täyden dokumentoinnin. Jos asetusarvo ylitetään, annetaan hälytyssignaali ja kivien energiansyöttö lopetetaan välittömästi. Lisäksi erikoistunut henkilökunta tarkistaa betoniseinät mahdollisten vikojen varalta.


Alumiinivanteiden mitat

Alumiinivanteiden tuotannossa vaaditaan parasta mahdollista laatua, jotta vanteet toimivat mahdollisimman hyvin käytössä. Mittaamiseen käytetään Micro Epsilonin scanCONTROL-sarjan laserskannereita. Nämä anturit tarkistavat vanteet kaikkien geometristen vikojen varalta integroidussa testilaitteessa. Näin saavutetaan 100 %:n inline-laadunvalvonta.


Pullojen tunnistus ja paikallaanolon varmistus

Micro-Epsilonin laserskannereita käytetään nopeassa ja täysin automaattisessa tyhjien pakkausten tarkastuksessa pullotuskoneissa ja panimoissa. Tätä sovellusta varten Micro-Epsilonin edustaja Tipeth on suunnitellut laserkolmiomittaukseen perustuvan testausjärjestelmän, jota käytetään pullolaatikoiden vastaanotossa. Tässä inline-järjestelmässä on viisi Micro-Epsilonin scanCONTROL 2900-50 -laserkolmiomittausanturia. Laatikot siirretään liukuhihnalla ja skannataan yläpuolelta. Kukin skanneri mittaa yhden laatikossa olevan pullorivin. Paikallaanolon varmistus tehdään jopa liukuhihnan nopeuden ollessa 850 mm/s. Skanneri käyttää pullojen korkeutta määrittääkseen, että laatikossa on oikean tyyppisiä pulloja. Pullojen korkeus ei saa poiketa yli 3 mm tietyn pullotyypin normikorkeudesta.

Toisin kuin tavanomaista kuvankäsittelyjärjestelmää käyttävässä ratkaisussa Micro-Epsilonin laserskannerit valvovat pullojen paikallaanolon lisäksi myös pullojen korkeutta. Käyttöön saadaan tarvittaessa myös tietoja myöhempää statistiikkaa, arviointia ja prosessien optimointia varten.



A desired or undesired expansion of an object is always combined with a temperature change. This can already start or prevent a minimum expansion process. Several product groups are available for monitoring the change in size. The variant for temperature measurement is often used. The infrared pyrometers and thermal imagers range provides more options here.


Paperirullan reunan tunnistus kalanterissa

Ellei paperi liiku kalanterissa aivan suoraan, kuumennettu kalanteritela painuu vastapäistä telaa vasten, jolloin se saattaa vaurioitua. Telan erikoispäällysteen korjaaminen tai jopa koko telan vaihtaminen tulee erittäin kalliiksi, minkä vuoksi paperirullan reunan tarkistaminen on pakollista. Tähän käytetään Micro-Epsilonin laserantureita, joilla paperirullan reunan tarkka sijainti välitetään suoraan koneen ohjausjärjestelmälle.


Measuring the height of concrete blocks

For the final inspection during the production of concrete blocks, a special test bench records the height of the blocks over a number of tracks. On each track, an optoNCDT 1750 laser sensor measure vertically on the conveyor belt. The blocks on the conveyor belt run through the sensor's laser beam.


Thickness and volume measurement of potato slices

When producing potato crisps, factors such as consistency, quality and taste depend to a significant degree on the thickness of the potato slices used. Depending on the process parameters and the condition of the tools used, the thickness of the cut slices changes slowly but steadily during the production time. This is why it is important to continuously monitor the thickness during production by using the scanCONTROL 2950-50BL sensor. The sensor projects a laser line onto a conveyor belt, which continuously guides sample slices along it.


Digital 3D measurement of complex parts and shapes

Mabotic devepols and manufactures various designs of digital scanning units. scanCONTROL laser scanner are often used for digitisation of parts. The scanner projects a laser line onto the object being measured and records the profile of the line. When the scanner is mounted on a linear axis and the scanner traverses over the measurement target, a 3D image of the target can be generated.


Dimension inspection of cylindrical objects

The CD Express measuring instrument developed by a British company measures circumference, diameter and ovality of cylindrically shaped objects. The measuring objects are inserted in the measuring device and the measurement starts automatically. An optical micrometer from the optoCONTROL 2500 series operates in the measuring device. The software has been customised for this application so that the optoCONTROL now takes over the complete control of the measuring device.


Thermal expansion of milling spindles

Accuracies of a few micrometers must increasingly more often be achieved for the parts machining using machine tools. In doing so, the heat development during the machining and in the tool holder is not insignificant. The thermal expansion of the spindle during the machining can affect the precision so much that the workpiece no longer meets the requirements. The SGS system developed by Micro-Epsilon is used for compensating for the expansion of the tool spindle. The expansion of the spindle is measured using the eddy current based system and in this way precise workpiece machining is made possible.


Purseen inline-mittaus levyn reunoilla korin valmistuksessa

Korroosion välttämiseksi jatkuva ja virheetön korroosiosuojaus on ratkaiseva tekijä maalausprosessissa. Koska levitetyn maalipinnan paksuus purseiden kohdalla voidaan määrittää vain hankalilla raja-arvoilla, on ratkaiseva etu, että purseet tunnistetaan tuotantoprosessin varhaisessa vaiheessa ennen korroosiosuojausta ja muita maalikerroksia.

Toisin kuin kiinteät ratkaisut, jotka mahdollistavat satunnaistestauksen, Micro-Epsilon tarjoaa scanCONTROL 2910-10/BL Plug & Play -järjestelmän, joka tarjoaa vaaditun tarkkuuden suurella, n. 8 µm:n resoluutiolla pitkin laserlinjaa, jotta purseet voidaan tunnistaa luotettavasti myös inline-mittausten aikana.


Vibration measurement on carbon brushes

Many direct current electric motors operate with carbon brushes for the current transmission. optoNCDT laser sensors are used to monitor the vibration during operation. They measure the carbon brushes without contact and also measure high speeds of the motor due to their high cut-off frequency.


Koordinaattien mittauslaite

Koordinaattien mittauslaitteita käytetään monien eri komponenttien mittaamiseen. Erilaiset skannerit ja mittalaitteet mittaavat komponentin pintaa kolmiulotteisesti. Laserviivaskannerit sopivat tähän tarkoitukseen. Ne mittaavat kosketuksettomasti komponentin todellista pintaa mikrometrin tarkkuudella kolmiomittausperiaatteen mukaisesti.


Fluid level measurement of aluminium pig irons

A German manufacturer of prestressed concrete products uses a number of 3D measurement systems by InSystems Automation with optical sensors made by Micro-Epsilon for quality control of railway sleepers. The systems include a portal station that is fitted to a forming station above the conveyor technology. Two scanCONTROL LLT2800-100 laser profile sensors travel along the portal axes and scan the sleepers from above.


Draw-wire displacement sensors take measurements in pipe trade

In the piping industry orders are placed for fixed lengths of a certain type of pipe. The available pipes with different lengths are transported from the stores to a measurement table to process the order. Here, pipes are inserted one after the other and the partial lengths summed up using a rugged draw-wire displacement sensor. The movable stop on the table is linked to a sensor wire extension pretensioned by a springdriven motor. The draw-wire extension in the dirty section guarantees a clean wire intake in the sensor and a long service life.


Monitoring the thermal expansion of pipelines

Pipelines in power stations are stressed to their limits by pressure and temperature. These loads result in movements of the pipes which can be up to 1 metre. Constant supports compensate for the movements and show the displacement on a scale. wireSENSORs are used to notify the measurement results to a control desk. The long service life of the sensors is particularly important.


Tarkkaa putkien mittausta

Tarkkaa putkien mittausta Putkien, kiinnikkeiden ja holkkien mitat tarkistetaan satunnaisella näytteenotolla. optoNCDT 1700 -sarjan anturit pyörivät levyyn asennettuina. Lasersäde heijastetaan mittausta varten 90° kulmassa säädettävällä peilillä. Järjestelmä tuottaa kohteesta yksityiskohtaisen paksuusprofiilin differenssimenetelmällä.


Cutting edge measurement

Carbide specialist company Ceratizit uses a semi-automatic measuring machine for production control. This device checks cutting plates for dimensional stability. The cutting plates are moved horizontally for each linear axis and pass through the light beam of the optoCONTROL 2500 through-beam sensor. The edge of the cutting plate is measured exactly as a result of this movement.


Dimensional accuracy of sectional doors

With sectional doors for parquet or laminate flooring, key and slot joints for individual sections are applied. However, these sections are opened and closed frequently. To enable a robust but permanent flexible key and slot joint, specified  dimensions  are  critical  and  must  be  adhered to. This is particularly important in the case of significant temperature differences or inaccurate dimensions, where the door could be locked or positioned incorrectly. The measurement of the key and slot joint is therefore critical in ensuring the correct manufacturing dimensions.


Softcalender - temperature measurement

Pyrometers from Micro-Epsilon enable the monitoring of fast rotating objects such as, e.g. softcalenders for paper manufacture. The system permanently monitors the fast rotating rolls.


An automatic measurement system ensures the production quality of tablets

High performance pill presses are fitted with quickly interchangeable matrix disk units in order to minimize cleaning and setting up times when employing press tools. In automated production a high level of precision is required to ensure the quality of each individual pill. In production up to 47 stamp pairs pass through the press station in a circular arrangement and, due to their high production rate, are subject to a certain amount of wear. Here, an automatic system for the stamp measurement can ensure the optimum press quality.


Measurement system for cut packaging pieces

Manufacturers in the packaging industry make high demands with regard to their production quality. For sampling inspection for example, the cut pieces of packaging are extracted from the production, placed in a measurement system and a nozzle system draws them down flat by suction. A non-contacting triangulation sensor scans the surface to measure the topography of the cardboard and to determine the line of the grooves, edges and the associated lengths to high accuracy.


Fully automatic measurement of sheet metal

Dimensionics developed the Disionic Sheet Control measuring table for fully automatic testing of the dimensional accuracy of sheet metal. It operates with laser profile sensors by Micro-Epsilon. The sensors measure sheet metal blanks and check them for width, length, angle, straightness, deflection (convex/concave), and the planarity of the sheet metal edges.

Two scanCONTROL 3000 laser profile scanners are mounted on the XY table. Each scanner has a measuring range of 25 mm and is guided over two edges in the X or Y direction of the sheets. The Blue Laser technology ensures the sensors achieve maximum precision and reliable results on demanding metallic surfaces.
